
Alerta de Salmonella in Europa

2 postări în acest subiect de discuţie despre Alerta de Salmonella in Europa

Alerta de Salmonella in Europa


Noi suntem obisnuiti cu ea pe la toate colturile, dar azi am primit si o informare "öficiala" pe tema asta (vedeti mai jos in original).

Si totusi cred ca mai ales noi, cei care umblam in conditii de igiena mai dificile decat acasa, trebuie sa fim si mai atenti.

Iata considerentele mele personale:

- Igiena maxima permanent, dar in special la masa, bucatarie, toaleta, precum si la pregatirea mesei (de ex, alimentele pregatite sa nu aiba contact cu cele crude) !

- Atentie maxima la oua si contactul cu animalele si fecalele  (pe jos prin camipng, parc, curte, toalete…)

- Atentie inclusiv la contactul cu robinetul, mai ales cand il inchizi – in general poate fi contaminat si degeaba te-ai spalat…!

- Simptome: diaree, febra, crampe abdominale, dureaza 4 – 7 zile, majoritetea se repara de la sine – dar de cate ori i-am vazut la TV prin spitale !

Si textul original:

Medical Alert

27 Aug 2014


Medical Multi-country Alerts: Salmonella outbreak under investigation

In Brief

Cases of salmonella have been reported across a number of European countries. Investigations are ongoing as to the likely common source. Salmonellosis is caused by contaminated food or water. Symptoms typically include diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps. Most people recover on their own without treatment. Some individuals may experience severe illness, which can be fatal.


• Maintain high levels of hygiene by hand-washing;

o before and after preparing or eating food

o after going to the toilet

o after contact with pets and other animals, especially reptiles and amphibians

• Wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating

• When preparing food, be careful to prevent cross-contamination. Keep uncooked foods away from cooked food.

• Keep all kitchen surfaces and equipment including knives, chopping boards and dish cloths clean

• Cook food thoroughly, especially meat and eggs

• The disease can spread from one person to another. If you are in contact with someone who has symptoms, pay extra attention to hygiene. Wash your hands after contact with potentially contaminated items. Do not touch your face, especially your mouth.

• Seek medical advice if symptoms develop

More Detail

Cases of Salmonella have been reported from Austria, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. In total, over 240 people have been affected. The strains of Salmonella enteritidis found in these outbreaks and the histories of those affected point to a likely common source of exposure, an egg packaging plant in Southern Germany. Contaminated eggs from the producer have been linked to a large number of the cases in Austria, Germany and France but the link to the UK outbreak remains to be more clearly defined. Investigations are ongoing. Food producers have already undertaken to remove the suspected contaminated food from the market but more cases may yet emerge, given the nature of delays in case reporting.

What is salmonellosis?

Salmonellosis occurs when people ingest Salmonella bacteria, usually by eating food contaminated with animal faeces. About 12 to 72 hours after infection patients develop diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps. The illness lasts between four and seven days. Most people recover on their own without treatment.

In severe cases - which occur more frequently among elderly people, infants and people with compromised immune systems - the diarrhoea can become severe and require hospitalisation. The infection can also spread from the intestines to the blood stream, which carries it to other parts of the body. These cases can be fatal unless treated promptly with antibiotics.

For more information:

• See the Disease and Prevention article "Salmonellosis" on the International SOS Country Guides

• See the Travel Advice article "Selecting Safe Food and Water" on the International SOS Country Guides

• Contact any International SOS assistance centre

Please note that this travel alert was sent to you, to notify you about the health and safety risks in your destination. Travel alerts will be sent for the duration of your trip.

Assistance Centres

You can contact the following Assistance Centres:

Philadelphia, US: (1) (215) 942 8226

Singapore: (65) 6338 7800

London, UK: (44) (20) 8762 8008

Paris, France: (33) 155 633 155

Dubai, UAE: (971) 4 601 8777

All 24-hour Assistance Centres

Medical and health advice provided in this email represents the best judgment of AEA International Holdings Pte. Ltd. Advice in this email does not however provide a warranty of future results nor a guarantee against risk.

© 2014 AEA International Holdings Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction (other than for authorised internal purposes) is prohibited except with the prior written consent of the copyright owner.

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De unde dreaku stiu ei americanii ce este pe aici ?, nu imi dau seama .  ptg

Oricum , inainte masa ma "dezinfectez" cu ceva spirtoase , asa ca pot sa mananc si de pe jos daca nu mai pot sta la masa. Nu-i bai !

In alta ordine de idei , se pare ca de la generatie la generatie anticorpii din organism nu prea isi mai fac treaba ( s-au lenevit , stau toata ziua pe net si cu curu pe scaun  biggrin ).

Este buna cate o avertizare din asta , dar nu trebuie sa incepem sa ne jelim ca alea cu drobul de sare de pe soba, si nici sa dam in paranoia de frica salmonelei.

Igiena trebuie pastrata indiferent de circumstante , nu numai daca ne sperie cercetatorii americani sau (si mai tare) cei englezi .

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